Another great post. I'm probably more a P2 and definitely getting tired of the relentless personal attacks on the manager and players.

Stepping back though, I do not have the emotional attachment to Spurs that many P1s have - so that explains how they react to some extent.

My emotional attachment is to the style of football that Ange wants his team to play. And when Spurs do that, they are the most watchable team in the PL.

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Another great post. Point 2 is key for me; we’re not full strength and I still want him around for the long term. Whether that will happen is another thing as everything seems to be pointing to this Thursday as the tipping point.

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Followed your posts for a little while and wanted to see your opinion. I have looked at some of your data behind the better performances (at least in terms of metrics), and while they do appear to be good, I can’t help but feel that it comes down to not being able to actually convert. It seems we, at least at one point, were able to get into dangerous positions but had difficulties capitalizing, and to my knowledge the data supported that (underperforming XG, etc.). How could we turn that around, or what would need to change?

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I've thought similarly myself, and looked into it a little bit here: https://profspur.substack.com/p/big-chances

But I think it's hard to say. We're more clinical than I thought we were. But what's harder to measure is how poor we seem to be at creating the final pass that leads to a shot, or the pass before that pass. In other words, eyes-wise, I see us break often with numbers in our favor and then misplace a pass and turn it over, or make the wrong decision and shut down a good opportunity. Maybe has to do with lack of fluidity with so many changes in the squad.

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